Know the history of this research

2017 | Recognition by the Amaicha del Valle native community
In April 2017, the Cacique and the Council of the Elderly of Amaicha del Valle issued a certificate recognizing the contribution of Ivan Fritzen Andrade's research to the preservation of the local culture.

2024 | Publication of the research
On August 1st, 2024, Ivan's research took the form of a book, published by Editora Dialética in São Paulo, becoming the first work in Portuguese on the subject of copleras music in northwestern Argentina.
2016 | The "giving back" visit
During Winter 2015, Ivan made his last visit as part of his master's degree in musicology, staying for one month among the copleras.
In the last semester of that year he wrote his thesis that would be defended in March 2016 at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
2015 | Third visit
During Summer 2015, Ivan went on his third field trip, staying for two months in Amaicha del Valle.
2014 | Second visit
In Winter 2014, Ivan returned to Amaicha for the second time, then as a master's student in musicology, living for one month in the community.
2012 | The beginning
In February 2012, shortly after receiving his violin degree at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), Ivan arrived in Amaicha del Valle for the first time to carry out exploratory fieldwork during the National Pachamama Festival.
Although it was a short-term experience, it gave him the contacts and confidence to deepen his research in the following years as master´s student in musicology.
Just before Christmas 2016, Ivan arrived in Amaicha del Valle for a visit with the purpose of "giving back" the research to the community. This was an ethical commitment made in the early stages of the research.
During this visit, Ivan shared copies of photos and field recordings taken during the research with the copleras and their families.